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Now Accepted in More Than 35 Counties!
Efficient & in-expensive, Electronic Filing (eFiling) is swiftly replacing traditional paper Filing as the preferred choice for Counties across California.
Your Swift Legal login gives you access to all existing Counties, and all new Counties when they come online.

is all it takes to eFile a document to an Existing case!
(i) Enter Case Number
(ii) Enter Participants
(iii) Upload Documents
(iv) Check & accept fees
(v) Submit!

DID YOU KNOW... you can eFile direct from your NetDocuments, Clio and/or iManage account!?!
These partnerships not only allow you to upload your documents directly to the eFile order, but also automatically save the Court-Stamped copies back to the same client folder they were uploaded from once returned from the Court.
Billing integration is also available to make it easier to keep track of case specific charges & fees.

Direct Access to Files in Cloud-Based Account

Receive Court-Stamped Documents Directly

Access Court-Approved Documents with Ease
Select your documents directly from your account and attach it to your eFiling order.
No need to export or save a document locally to eFile.
Court-Stamped documents and results are automatically sent to your cloud-based & Swift Legal Accounts. No more downloading, importing, and renaming files.
Retrieve your newly approved documents seamlessly from either your Swift Legal or cloud-based account.
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