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Electronic Recording (eRecording) is the process of recording documents with the County Recorders Office via secure digital means that would otherwise need to be physically submitted to the County Assessor-Recorder’s Office for recordation.
Once Recorded, documents are returned to the submitter electronically, sometimes within hours of submission (depending on the county).
Do You Want It Recorded As Soon As Possible?
✅ YES, I do!
Then eRecording is for you!
✅ Send Us Your Docs
Per County CCP requirements, Swift must be in possession of any and all original documents to be eRecorded (just like you'd have to submit them to the County).
✅ Same Day Submission
If we receive your Documents
before noon, they will be submitted for eRecording the same day.
✅ Digital Return
As soon as the document is eRecorded, it's returned to you Digitally, with your original being mailed back the same day.

accept eRecording.
Does Your County eRecord?

Helpful tips
Before sending us your documents for submission, check:
Any document that has been Digitally issued can be emailed to us for eRecording.
Any document that has been Physically issued must be FedEx/Mailed to us for digitisation prior to eRecording.
Entire document is clear & legible, specifically any Notary Seals.
All signatures must have clearly printed names.
Once Swift submit documents for eRecording with the County, we cannot recall/cancel them, so make sure everything is correct!
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